Barbro Seiger – dance- and music consultant
Dance is also my great hobby. Best is dancing with my beloved husband Powel!
I dance mostly bug and foxtrot nowadays, but "polskor", (the Polish dances), gammeldanser (a variety of old dances from different countries) and all Swedish folk music have been close to my heart for many years.
Recently I came against all odds to the final in foxtrot in the dance club Nackswing's Jack'n'Jill, winning a sixth place among all "Youngsters"! Surprise, surprise
I'm so lucky to have a Waldorf pre-school in my courtyard. Here the children picnic with their teachers and parents a beautiful summer day.
Senaste kommentaren
22.04 | 09:34
Tack, min Älskling! Och ett stort grattis! Du är bäst på alla sätt och vis! Puss och kram!
19.04 | 16:20
Tack Pia! Det var också roligt och uppmuntrande att ha dig med.
19.04 | 15:26
Du är bara bäst Barbro!!! Det var ren nöje att vara med på DIna musiklektioner! 👍🏼