Barbro Seiger – dance- and music consultant

Welcome to my website!

I am the only one in Sweden with Waldorf pedagogy as a specialty

There is nothing better than music if you want to change people,
their behaviors and habits.
Shu-Ching (VI BC)

I have countless times experienced the divine impact of music on people!

It is with joy and expectation that, as a music teacher with more than forty years of experience, I now look forward to the new and different challenges of life in the field of music.

After working mainly with children and young people, I feel it is time to start focusing on adults and to be at the disposal of music colleagues, class teachers and other clients.

Hope you will be curious about how I can help you.

I promise that you will not be disappointed.

And I teach, of course, even in my native language - in Swedish.
Here is my swedish homesite

Senaste kommentaren

22.04 | 09:34

Tack, min Älskling! Och ett stort grattis! Du är bäst på alla sätt och vis! Puss och kram!

19.04 | 16:20

Tack Pia! Det var också roligt och uppmuntrande att ha dig med.

19.04 | 15:26

Du är bara bäst Barbro!!! Det var ren nöje att vara med på DIna musiklektioner! 👍🏼

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